Need fashionable equipment of your store for the winter at favorable prices? We will help you with this winter sale in wholesalein the course of which you will stock up on all seasonal essentials. What’s worth looking around for? In addition to warm sleeping bag jackets and bass sweaters, no doubt in your shopping cart should include sweater dresses and a homewear set. See what else we have on offer and bet on a new fashion dimension with us!
Winter sale in online wholesale – what trends to pay attention to?
Tegoroczna zima częstuje nas wielością krojów, fasonów i kolorów, a także zdobień, które nie zatrzymują się już tylko na kategorii glamour. Stąd też najmodniejsze ubrania to właśnie te, które już z daleka przykuwają uwagę. Nie oznacza to jednak, że brak w niej przytulnych, wygodnych kompletów, swetrów i okryć. Czego zatem warto szukać? Przede wszystkim dzianinowych “otulaczy” z ultra grubej, mięsistej tkaniny (narzutek w formie ponczo, kamizel XXL i puchatych sweterków), klasycznych eleganckich garniturów o przerysowanym fasonie, a na dokładkę puchowych, pikowanych okryć i obcisłych tub, które zaskoczą w niebanalnych połączeniach. Nie zapominaj również o ubraniach z metaliczną nicią, a zwłaszcza sukienkach, które z powodzeniem sprawdzą się jako Sylwestrowe outfity.

A bardziej ogólne wskazówki? Im więcej, tym lepiej. Dlatego nie wahaj się także, jeśli chodzi o napompowane rękawy, barczyste ramiona czy szerokie, wręcz workowate nogawki. Podobnie ma się kwestia modnych motywów czy odcieni. Choć brylujemy głównie wśród casuali, nie bez znaczenia pozostają ożywcze kolory i wzory rodem z psychodeli lat 70. Dobrym wyborem będzie elegancka kratka, pofalowana szachownica i geometryczny motyw wielokolorowych rombów. Będą stały tuż obok gładkich modeli w ciepłych beżach, odcieniu kremu kokosowego i głębokiego brązu.
Winter sale in wholesale 2021/22 – meet our best sellers at a good price!
So what our offers winter sale in Warsaw wholesale? Check out our bestselling check-list:
- Jackets
Cups to the ground or about the cropped bean? Or maybe quilted coats girded at the waist? Whatever you do not choose, one thing is certain – you will find them at a favorable price and spend the way you want. We offer bombers with a holographic motif, leather models with a wide collar and those in XXL edition in chocolate browns or beige.
Winter sale in our Wholesale Clothing also does not forget about the trends carried over from this year’s autumn. And what among them? Most notably, ugly sweaters in school rhombuses and thick braid weave, down casual sleeveless and furry cropped glamour-style vests. Also do not forget about those imitating sheepskin – this is the last fashion hit.
- Sweaters
Absolute must have every winter. This year, classic basic golfers are also joined by cardigans to the ground, clipped sweaters with horn buttons and curiously decorated V-neck models. From fluffy knitwear in pastel shades, biting wool in Scandinavian motifs, or maybe cotton in striations? They will all defend flawlessly.
- Dresses
Winter sale at wholesale She could not bypass also classic creations, which will work great as a complement to styling every day or office. So there will be no shortage of basics with a tuba and slightly marked turtleneck, envelope dresses with a flared bottom and those with ornate organza sleeves. Or maybe models studded with stones and gnawed with metallic thread? Super proposal for the upcoming New Year’s Eve.
- Jeans
Tubes, bells, boyfriends or retro mom jeans? We love them all, so we offer them at favorable, promotional prices. Be sure to look around for models with slightly sawn legs, high-waisted and colored denim. There will be as trends as classic already models – in the shade of baby blue or slightly sprinted pomegranate and black.
Look for an opportunity for winter, which is what more collections from are worth checking out?
Winter Wholesale Online Wholesale includes not only a line of casual clothes and proposals for the coming cold months. In addition to this you can not miss the collection either:
- Basic
Here you will find everything you need to create the perfect base in the dressing room. Thus, immortal classics like t-shirts, minimalist shirts with a collar, jeans of a simple fashion or tuba dresses. They will fall well both on a daily basis and in more elegant styling. This is all, of course, in fashionable colors and cuts – you choose what ones.
- Homewear
Winter sale in online wholesale This is the perfect opportunity to stock up on homfy clothes as well. This is a variation on the theme of home clothing, which moves to the canon of everyday fashion. Among this collection you will find comfortable, loose sweatsets, bass hoodies and undershirts, sweatpants and more. There will also be many accessories — comfortable slippers and flip-flops or woolen socks, which will pleasantly envelope your feet.
- Christmas collection
Christmas is just around the corner — for this occasion we have also prepared a special Christmas offer. As part of it, you’ll stock up on sets for Christmas Eve dinner and more. You will also buy charming, festive sweaters and warm wool socks, which will be perfect for relaxing by the fireplace. In addition to these, soft slippers or sweatshirts (or whole sets) with thematic prints — necessarily in Scandinavian style can not be missed among them.
Check out more: Winter trends in women’s fashion in wholesale — be on time!
You can’t miss: The most fashionable colors of winter — check what’s wearing now!