It’s already certain not from today – spring will frequent us (as usual) a fair portion of colors. Among the most desirable is not only juicy greenery, orange or candy pink. In addition to this furor they will do blue clothes wholesale. Not just sweatshirt sets, sweatshirts or bass dresses – suit sets, collared shirts or corset tops will also fall out. Which ones are especially worth investing in? We prompt!
The colours of this year’s spring – which will bring new collections to life?
This season, designers recommend color therapy. Besides the intense greens and orange, they will work great for this purpose blue clothes wholesale online. Which shades is especially worth betting on? See:
- Aquamarine
The intense mix of blue-green in the coming months will appear mostly on leather jackets, coats and blazers. Ideally, it will break the boredom of casual sets and revive monochrome styling. Besides, it will easily combine with other shades – especially pastel blue and purple lila.
- Indigo
Spring blue clothes wholesale in this color definitely conquer the latest trends. No wonder – they will be suitable for both elegant styling, retro juxtapositions, as well as street style connections. It will add energy in an orange duet, soothe classic black total looki, and with beige will create an original semi-formal match.
- Classic Pomegranate
While it’s no novelty, in spring we’ll just as often reach for clothes bathed in a deep pomegranate. Designers offer us in this edition not only elegant coats or suit sets – equally often in his company will be seen sweatshirts, T-shirts and knitted dresses in striations. In the footprint of current shows, they will look good especially with red falling into orange and classic black.
- Baby blue
And finally, the classic, which this year’s spring we will lance mainly because of its universal character. Milky shade of blue will decorate coats, skirts and charming cardigans, fastened with decorative buttons (with mother-of-pearl and studded with stones). Blue clothes wholesale online In this release will be a good base for elegant juxtapositions and romantic outfits for dinner in two.
Blue clothes wholesale for 2022 – bestseller review
Tegoroczna wiosna to miejsce spotkań wielu trendów – zarówno z tego, jak i ubiegłych wieków. W nowym sezonie inspirację czerpać będziemy z wciąż żywych lat 90., ery Y2K i jej kiczu, a także z klasyki w duchu 50’s, która zaskoczy nas niejednym oryginalnym zestawem. Jakie ubrania powinny znaleźć się w Twoim sklepie? Przede wszystkim krótko obcięte, pudełkowe żakiety i garniturowe zestawy ze spodniami o rozszerzanej nogawce. Nie odmawiaj sobie również pewników – sukienek tub, zestawów z dresowej dzianiny czy crewnecków. Obok nich na piedestale pojawią się ciepłe okrycia – zwłaszcza trencze i szlafrokowe płaszcze, i puchowe kamizelki, które przypadną do gustu wygodnickim. Na celowniku w dalszym ciągu będą crop topy i braletki, które znajdą zastosowanie jaka baza pod marynarki i gustowne koszule. Sklepowe półki przepełnią też jeansowe kolekcje. Bez wahania sięgaj po denimowe dzwony, mom jeans i modele palazzo, a żeby stworzyć pożądane stylizacje tego sezonu, również po koszule, katany i krótkie kamizelki.

How to wear blue clothes wholesale? Check out our proposals!
Uniform, full of contrasts, or perhaps completely unfitting (seemingly) details? See how and with what to brush blue clothes wholesale in the spring and inspire your clients!
- Tone in tone
One of the most popular juxtapositions today is the one that combines all the fashionable shades of blue into a single, consistent outfit. How to recreate it? Simply toned base (e.g. blue dress), strongly contrasting accessories (we suggest shades of aquamarine or indigo) and cover in dark, classic color (black, navy or beige). Originally and with taste.
- Electrifying detail
Stylings with blue in the lead role are not only those after downright filled with its various shades. Even a fine detail in the chosen color can change the whole set. What? Aquamarine shade bead, indigo sweater or pastel skirt. Do not forget about accessories – scarves, glasses in translucent frames and chunky signets.
- Dreamy total look
Ultra fast and simple to use outfit? Total look in a shade of cloudless sky. Whether it will be a tracksuit set or an ultra feminine jacquard set with a top and skirt – it is important that from a distance it stands out in color. For this necessarily accessories – a leather bag or kidney, geometric glasses and massive jewelry. Add them to your offer!
- classic
Blue clothes in wholesale in the classic edition do not have to be boring at all. It is enough to throw in them suitable accessories – colorful bags, hanging, chandelier earrings and shoes with decorative noses. No doubt there will be navy blue sets with a blazer and kant trousers, and matching striated dresses. Stylish and with taste.
Read on: Colorful women’s clothes in wholesale — expressive trends for spring 2022
Topic for you: Spring green in styling — bloom for the new season!