Our wholesaler has 24H/7 active warehouse. We employ several hundred employees who prepare thousands of parcels for our customers every day and watch for shipping to be on schedule. This allows you to efficiently and quickly execute all orders of our customers. We do our best to ensure that all purchases are made as soon as possible, meaningless on the size of the order. We do not have the minimum order quantity after which we carry out shipping. If you pay the ordered goods by 14:00 we will send them the same day. We carry out both domestic and abroad shipments. Every shipment we prepare is protected against transport. We also care about the safety of transactions performed.
Customer-friendly wholesale
We have more than 20,000 products, every day we offer 100 attractive novelties to our customers. Each product we provide has a description and professional photos in the package. All products are almost immediately ready to enter the store or auction of our customers. 24H/7 open warehouse, secure payment, fast shipping Ready-made photos and descriptions, make our customers have a minimum of paperwork. This all affects how smoothly the addition of new products in your store/at your online auction. Did you sell out the goods? Which product enjoys unsuccessful? Potential customers are looking for clothing consistent with the latest trend? Quick delivery of goods makes it possible for customers to quickly subsidize the store or introduce interesting novelties if required. Thanks to the smooth operation of warehouses and other employees of wholesalers, you can enjoy the news without fear that before you join products in the store you will bypass past past trends. Efficient execution of orders will make you quickly appear goods that represent the latest trends in the fashion market.
We meet the expectations of our customers – we update the offer every 4 hours! Factoryprice.eu’s frequently updated wholesale range will allow you to get acquainted with the latest offers we offer to our customers. Today, register for free in our wholesaler with only the necessary logged and contact details (without sensitive data or account numbers)! Create a clothing market with us in Poland.